The illustrious Moth StorySLAM series is coming to Brooklyn on the regular! The supercool and renowned open-mic night features 10 true, personal stories from audience members, all on a specific theme, and is starting a monthly residency at the Bell House this Wednesday. March’s theme is theft, and anyone can participate. If you want to dazzle with your sick narrative skillz, prepare a true-life anecdote that’s under five minutes, arrive at 7:30pm, sign up, and hope you’re one of the names chosen that night. If you’re more of a listener than a talker, make sure you arrive by 8pm because the stories start on the hour with no exceptions. Stories are judged and scored, and the teller at the end with the highest number gets crowned that night’s StorySLAM winner. Entry is $8 at the door, so there’s no excuses–go get in there, you sneaky story thief, and steal the show!