Good Morning, Katy Perry


Well, in another insane made-for-the-24-hour-news-cycle development, Geraldo Rivera declared the Trayvon Martin’s hoodie was as responsible for his death as George Zimmerman on Fox and Friends this morning. Ugh. Let definitely blame a garment, rather than the dude who stalked and shot an unarmed teenager who just out getting snacks. Also, really, I know the hoodie has become a symbol in this whole discussion, but I always thought hoodies were race neutral; they’re universal indicator that the wearer is under 40 (or still cool guys, really). At least Baratunde is, as usual, tweeting with humor and grace in the face of idiotic bigotry.

@baratunde Geraldo Rivera’s mustache is asking for it.

@NYDNBooks Murray Lender, the man who made Americans outside of New York City embrace the bagel, is deal at 81.

@sarahnischmusic I am not the only one who unironically loves Katy Perry.

In light of all the ugly in the news right now, let’s have some bubblegum pop to add some levity to this Friday morning.

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