The weekend weather forecast is looking perfect not just for riding your bike–you know, to get to a specific destination, like say the Total Red Hook Immersion on Saturday–but for bike rides, when you stretch your legs and just ride for the sheer pleasure of the wheels going round. We asked a few of our favorite bicycle enthusiasts to share rides they love, ranging from mellow cruises to longer treks. Click through on the links below for details.
Before you go, check out the site, Ride the City, where you can map the safest route between two points and check out bike lanes and greenway locations around the city, and Map My Ride, where you can share a ride you love, or see where other people are pedaling. And, don’t leave home without your helmet (if you think they’re all lame, check out Belle Helmets), and for longer rides, especially to the Rockaways or out to New Jersey, a tire repair kit. Nechama Levy, owner of the very newly opened Bicycle Roots, says that a basic kit should include a replacement tube, a portable pump, a tire lever and whatever you need to get the wheel off your bike–a wrench or a skewer key if you have an anti-theft device on your bike. And most important? “Make sure you know how to repair a tire before you leave the house,” she counsels. “You don’t want your first repair to be out on the side of the road.” She noted that any bike shop that will sell you these items should also be willing to show you how to use them.
Now for the rides:
Easy Ride: Ryan Patrick of Brooklyn Cruiser put together this bike tour of Williamsburg and Greenpoint for us, with plenty of stops along the way for eating, drinking, shopping and people watching. Cruising the Hipster Highway»
Medium: Danielle Baskin is an illustrator who started a custom bike-helmet business called Belle Helmets, and her designs are beyond lovely. She offers up two mellow Manhattan rides. And, after seeing fantastic Instagram photos of a recent jaunt, we asked Brooklyn Based contributing editor Chrysanthe Tenentes to share her favorite Manahttan ride as well. Manhattan Two Ways for Two Wheels»
Extra Bonus: Here are three bikes rides, one to the beach, one to New Jersey and one to Queens, that BB contributor Rachael Rakes put together for us a few years back. Cool Rides»