Now that we’re in the dog days of summer, perhaps your weeknight routine of jacking up the volume on your TV so it can be heard over the A/C has gotten a little tired? If so, do something fun and different this Wednesday night and check out the third annual Magic at Coney! show at 9pm. If your idea of a magician is the small-town hack at your 2nd grade birthday party or G.O.B. Bluth gyrating to The Final Countdown, you will definitely be awed by the roster of award-winning illusionists, escape artists, mentalists, and parapsychologists who are set to take the stage at Sideshows by the Seashore. Hit up Nathan’s before the show and take a spin on the Cyclone afterwards, and we promise that you’ll be thankful this winter that you made the most of a great summer night in Brooklyn. Tickets to the magic show are just $10 for adults and $7.50 for kids.