Down and Dirty


Two of my favorite things in the world, gritty country and ridiculous lines of profanity, are the subject of the award-winning documentary Dirty Country, a look into the life and breakthrough of Larry Pierce, the dirtiest country singer in America. Directed by Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett (whose collected credits include The Onion, Letterman, and The Found Footage Festival), the movie takes Pierce and the rest of the raunchy music industry and uses them as a lens to examine whether America is a nation united or divided by four-letter words and locker-room banter (and if you think you already know where you stand on the issue, let me tell you the movie is good enough to make you question either way). What’s not up for debate is how effing amazing the screening they’re having at the Brooklyn Rod and Gun Club is going to be, which even includes two rounds of Brooklyn Brewery brews on them (as long as you show up early, between 7-8pm.) Free movie, cool venue, gratis beers—they gotta be &%#$’n kidding us with this, right? –-V.R.

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