Usually on Friday afternoon I like to share with you a weird cat video. Because you know, you deserve it. Today I’m going to point you to the tumblr blog, CashCats.biz. First off, best use of a “biz” domain ever. Secondly, they’re hosting an art show in DUMBO next Thursday consisting of work inspired by the photos from the blog. The Silent Drape Runners are DJing and part of the proceeds will go to the BARC Shelter in Williamsburg. Finally, CashCats.biz makes the best use ever of cat facial expressions. You thought cats had a natural tendency toward smug imperiousness? Well, you should check just how disdainful of humankind your average tabby looks when lolling about on piles of hundros, paw atop a revolver (seriously).
Cats have pretty much perfected the “smug thug” look.