Councilwoman Tish James and Lincoln Restler have started this petition for the MTA to provide shuttle buses along the G and L train lines. It makes sense, if you live along the G or L you have to walk to the JMZ or the 7 to get into the city right now, or find a bus alternative, and frankly, buses have been few and far between in North Brooklyn over the past few days. Here’s the text of the press release they just sent out:
In the wake of an unprecedented natural disaster, we are greatly appreciative of the MTA’s remarkable restoration of 84% of subway service. Yet we are extremely concerned about the lack of mass transit access for residents along the L and G subway lines. These trains are not redundant – but essential lifelines for hundreds of thousands of Brooklynites.
In just minutes, hundreds of Brooklynites have signed this petition: View the Petition: http://www.change.