Today and tomorrow morning are going to be especially challenging for Sandy victims who still don’t have power, heat or running water. Unfortunately, it’s also going to be a difficult time to get out and volunteer–high winds and icy conditions are making travel to hard-hit areas dangerous and many volunteer centers closed at noon today. Here are a few ways to help from home, and keep adding to and updating our working list of volunteer opportunities and donation sites.
–Sandy Sucks is an informal network of people coordinating donations and delivery of goods and volunteers to sites around the city. It’s run by BB pal, Katie Benner, and we’ve been working with her to turn donations into items like batteries, diapers and warm socks. If you want to give money, this is one way to make sure your $20 becomes a warm blanket for someone tomorrow, rather than weeks for now. The blog is also a clearinghouse for Sandy information.
-The Rockaway Beach Surf Club is also taking donations via paypal. Nicole and I dropped off a load of items there yesterday (located on Beach 87th Street, just over the Cross Bay Bridge) and I can say first hand that they are incredibly well organized and much appreciated by the devastated neighborhood they are serving. It’s also a great spot to show up and volunteer at in better weather.
-You can text “brooklyn” to 25383 to donate $10 to the Brooklyn Community Foundation. All donations go directly to Sandy relief in coastal Brooklyn. You can also donate to the Brooklyn Recovery Fund on their site.