Remember when you used to have to go to the video store to rent a movie? Well, if you don’t recall the world without Netflix, lemme tell you: It was just awful. Unless you had a neighborhood store like Videology to go to, you were stuck fighting over one of the million copies of all the worst recent releases on shelf at Blockbuster, or hoping that no one else had their eye on the one copy of Alien in stock at Hollywood Video. Also, in the 90s, video stores were the number-one cause of fights in romantic relationships in which at least one partner was at least a little pretentious. Anyhow, faced with Netflix and on-demand everything, Videology decided to turn itself into a movie theater bar, as well as maintaining their rental collection. Opening night is Friday and there’s an free gin bar courtesy of New York Distilling from 9pm to 10pm. The party is free, the first screening, of Cannes Film Festival favorite, Holy Motors is $8 and starts at 7pm.