Santa, dreidels, the inspiring austerity of a Festivus pole—these holiday symbols and practices are all well and good, but if there’s one truly shared, universal holiday tradition, it’s food. And if there’s one thing we forget amidst the holiday hullabaloo, it’s that food is hilarious when you sing about it. Just hearken back to the SNL days of Dana Carvey “Choppin Broccoli” or Adam Sandler serenading Chris Farley’s Lunch Lady. It only makes sense that Jukebox, the live, monthly karaoke/storytelling/comedy event at Union Hall where everyone involved gives a performance based on a song, then gives the karaoke version of the song, has made this month’s theme, Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom. The lineup includes always funny comic Dave Rees and Mamrie Hart among others, so there’s a good chance food song comedy magic will strike more than once. Grab a ticket and dig in!