Just in time for spring, and its fertile frenzy, Garden Acupuncture, in Park Slope is offering a complete fertility package. Alex Goldberg, one of their doctors, is the only practitioner in Brooklyn who has had the privilege of working under Dr. Randine Lewis, MD and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor, a central figure in fertility medicine today, and the author of The Infertility Cure and The Way of The Fertile Soul. Acupuncture and TCM work on the principle of cycles—just like your body. At Garden Acupuncture they look at fertility in three-month phases. This is not a quick fix like IVF claims to be, but its effects are more dramatic. Garden Acupuncture helps people find and express their fertility for life. Right now, a 90-minute initial consultation and examination is just $100 (regular $130). Or, for any acupuncture visit, get a $100 initial consultation and examination when you mention Brooklyn Based. Visit GardenAcu.com or call 646-234-3643 for more information.