Take a Walk on the Wild Side


Eco-friendly fashion brand Loomstate is branching out by hosting a pair of free ecology classes for kids and adults this weekend, starting with an NYC Eco Kidz environmental science class in Central Park on Saturday. Geared toward children ages 7-11, the class will cover everything from why clouds float to why biodiversity is such a big deal. Plan to meet at the 79th Street entrance to the park, near the Natural History Museum, at 2:30pm to take part. If you don’t feel like schlepping to Central Park on a Saturday, stay local and attend a Wild Edible Plant Walk in Prospect Park on Sunday from 3-5pm instead. The class, which will meet at Grand Army Plaza, promises an up-close-and-personal look at some of Brooklyn’s most palatable plant life, and the new-found knowledge you’ll acquire will allow you to show off on your next nature hike. RSVP to either event at customercare@loomstate.org.

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