Some of the FDNY’s finest are firing up the grills at Fairway in Red Hook tomorrow for a supermarkets third annual Firefighters Food Face-Off. Photo: bitnoots via Flickr
One of the many things that I love about the Red Hook Fairway is that almost every time I’m in there on a weekend, I run into a group of New York’s Bravest shopping together for provisions for a proper firehouse meal. If you are lucky enough to work in Red Hook or have the day off this Wednesday, you can reap the benefits of the firefighters’ culinary talents at the Third Annual Fairway Firefighters Food Face-Off. Beginning at noon, four local FDNY teams will be grilling up ribs, burgers, chicken and vegetables donated by the store, with a Top Chef-esque challenge to include a secret, revealed-at-the-last-minute, required ingredient. The winning crew, as determined by a panel of judges that includes the one and only Marty Markowitz, will get $500 to spend at Fairway for future feasts. It’s free for the general public to watch all the competitive action unfold, and there will be live music and, of course, tons of free food.–KH