Learn to Preserve the Season’s Bounty with Sweet Deliverance and Kinfolk


837.fd_.10andunder29It’s officially harvest season–so what are you going to do with all that autumn bounty? If, like most of us in New York, you don’t have room for a chest freezer to store all your ripe tomatoes and luscious berries in, it might be time to get into the preserving game. There’s no better teacher than Kelly Geary, chef and owner of Sweet Deliverance, a CSA-based meal delivery service and preserves company. You may have seen her strawberry rose jam or raisin haters chutney at spots like Marlow and Daughters, Saxelby Cheese and The Brooklyn Kitchen, now learn to make them with Geary herself in a Kinkfolk Studios Preserving the Season workshop. There are two sessions. on Thursday, Oct. 3 at 7pm, and Saturday, Oct. 5 at 3pm both in the Sweet Deliverance Kitchen in Bed Stuy.  Tickets are $75, and the class will demonstrate canning and preserving techniques both sweet and savory.

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