Even in the midst of making holiday lists of all kinds–gifts to buy, cards to send, cookie recipes to try–our thoughts keep skipping ahead to the new year ahead and how to start it fresh. More than anything we’re eager to engage in some winter cleaning, finally getting rid of those boxes of assorted junk on the high shelves of our closets, donating the sweaters and coats we haven’t worn for the past three winters (if you didn’t wear it last winter, you never will) and how to generally streamline and simplify our apartments, and by extension, our lives.
We’re not alone–minimalism is in right now, from parents who have decided that enough is enough when it comes to toy accumulation, to organization experts who counsel that the more stuff you have, the more time you spend dealing with it.
If you’re planning a post-holiday purge, and even if you aren’t, we have the perfect contest to reward yourself with a cleaner, neater, more beautiful apartment. Enter now to win a 90-minute consultation from LABL Studios (trust us, you’d be amazed at what a difference just rearranging the stuff you have can make), an apartment deep clean from MyClean, a paint job–with paint included–from the folks at Paintzen, and three months of storage from Boxbee. Basically, have experts paint, rearrange and clean your apartment, after you’ve removed all the stuff that’s been cluttering up your life. Consider it a trial separation, and when spring comes reassess. We’re predicting a massive stoop sale and a fantastic year.