The impact of science in our daily lives seems obvious at first–we all walk around with a palm-sized computer in our pocket more advanced than the delivery truck-sized computers used to put Neil Armstrong on the moon just 45 years ago. But science covers a lot more ground than gadgets from Apple; it affects everyone in a very personal way, and Story Collider: Stories About Science is a New York-based storytelling series and podcast that investigates the ways it impacts our lives. On the podcast and at their live shows, which they’ve performed in San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, and London, you’ll hear from those who work in a specific scientific field as well as everyday people who suddenly find they are faced with a problem that they need science to overcome. The podcast is hosted by Ben Lillie, a particle physicist (above, right), and Erin Barker, a two-time winner of the Moth’s GrandSLAM Storytelling competition (on the left), who will be performing at The Bell House tomorrow, Tuesday, March 2 at 8pm. The best part? You can RSVP to gain free entry at thebellhouseny.com/calendar.