Whether you’re looking for a killer side to bring to dinner, a cocktail to serve before the meal, or something to do with all those leftovers, we’ve got you covered with these Thanksgiving recipes from Brooklyn chefs and bartenders.
Thanksgiving lasagna
Main dish or leftover solution
This recipe from High Five Girl works as an alternative main course on Thursday, or a clever use for leftovers on Friday.
Delicata squash vases
Side dish (or veggie main, with a few tweaks)
This savory, salad-y side from Greg Baxtrom, the chef and owner of Olmsted, is a real Thanksgiving Hall of Fame contender.
Cauliflower and goat cheese gratin
Side dish
Mark Poiarkoff, executive chef at Vinegar Hill House shared this sophisticated take on a creamy, cheesy side dish with us.
St. Crimson Negroni
1 oz Greenhook Gin
3/4 oz Campari
1.5 oz Enlightenment Wines St. Crimson
Stir and serve in rocks glass over ice.
Garnish with fresh herbs like rosemary, not a citrus peel like a traditional Negroni.
Enlightenment Wines➣ ➣
Turkey Balmy
Leftover solution
If you’ve tried the Balmy, Saltie’s take on a bahn mi sandwich, here’s your chance to recreate it at home, using turkey. The sweet-sour pickles and savory pate have a similar combination of flavors as a traditional Thanksgiving sandwich, but totally updated.

Thanksgiving Club
Leftover solution
The Thanksgiving Club is on the menu at Hail Mary from now through Christmas. Use your leftovers and follow their construction steps, or make all the components from scratch, up to you.