My techie millennial co-workers get on me about a lot of things that I do that indicate my rapidly advancing age (if you ever want to incite a mini-riot at a startup, show up regularly in the morning with a hard copy of The New York Times tucked under your arm), but I am pretty sure that the thing that horrifies them the most is the fact that I have never seen The Sandlot, which is evidently on par with ET for kids born in the 90s. I’m not kidding, this movie is referenced like 50 times a day at my job. So maybe on Wednesday I will go see what all the fuss is about, because the Prospect Park Alliance is screening it for free on the Long Meadow in partnership with Nitehawk Cinema. Before the sun goes down, there will be live retro R&B tunes from the Binky Griptite Orchestra, who I think I’ll love based on their name alone, starting at 7pm.