Didn’t make it to Summerscreen or Syfy Movies with a View this summer? No worries, you can still catch an outdoor movie while the weather is still accommodating such activities, and Rooftops Reds–with its rooftop vineyard and skyline views–is the perfect place to do it. On Thursday, they’ll be screening the movie that set a new standard for dumb/weird/silly/off-color comedy when it was released 23 years ago: Ace Ventura Pet Detective. For $30, you get to refamiliarize yourself with all the crazy that 90s-era Jim Carrey had to offer, along with a glass of wine from Rooftop Reds’ tasting room and two slices from Porto Pizzeria. Yes, it is depressing that it’s getting dark earlier and earlier, but one silver lining on that cloud is that the show can start at 7pm and have you home in bed at a reasonable hour.