David Bowie Berlin Trilogy concert series continues


John Schaefer, host of the WNYC show New Sounds, returns this week to the Winter Garden in lower Manhattan, where he curates free concerts themed around a legendary artist, performed by well-known and under-the-radar musicians. This week, the guest of honor getting the cover treatment is David Bowie. Starting Wednesday, Oct. 17 and running through Friday, Oct. 19, Schaefer returns to this unlikely music venue to host three free nights of tributes to David Bowie’s Berlin Trilogy of albums (1979’s Lodger, 1978’s Heroes, and 1977’s Low), composed by Brian Eno and Klaus Schulze. The performers bringing the spirit of Bowie back to life include musicians from Deerhoof, Dirty Projectors, Shearwater and more. Each evening is dedicated to a different album and begins at 7:30pm. Arrive early to guarantee a spot or a seat on the floor.

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Photo: Denis O’Regan/Getty


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